Uzma Iqbal, MD

Healthy Lifestyle Medicine




Complementing the Spectrum of Healing

Healing is a creative process that can be achieved with Hope and Honesty

What is Healthy Lifestyle Medicine?

Health, as defined by the World Health Organization (WHO), is “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” If achieving and maintaining optimal health is the goal, then a Healthy Lifestyle is the most important way to get there. Choosing a Healthy Lifestyle is a conscious decision that affects the mind, body….. Read More

Real-Life Stories to Share

A farewell to remember.?

Paris is like a first date. It will either break your heart or make you fall in love. My first trip to Paris was an impromptu two-day visit. I decided not to take a guided tour but rather get immersed in the experience, charm and magic of the city. Arrondissements or districts connected by boulevards and a maze … Read More.

So whatever cancer throws your way, we’re right there with you.


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There are many forms of treatment for cancer once it comes into consideration.

The treatment you will receive depends on the type of cancer you’ve got and how advanced it is. Some cancer patients may receive just one treatment, while others, due to the complexity of their case, maybe received combined therapy. To learn more about the various treatments for cancer, you should talk to your doctor. 


A person who’s been previously affected by cancer is known as a “cancer survivor.”

 On the other hand, care, or someone who has cared for a loved one down with cancer is known as “Co-survivor.”

The word “survivor” does not appeal to every person who has had cancer. People who are dealing with cancer daily may want to refer to themselves as “living with cancer.” Thus, they may not consider themselves “survivors.” 

Complementing the Spectrum of Healing.

Healers have always believed that there’s the healing energy all around us and that this energy can be harnessed. They believe that a person can get healed by this energy. Can the spectrum of healing be channelled towards cancer treatment?

Healing is also referred to as energy healing or spiritual healing. This practice began over a thousand years ago. Some healers believe that this energy originates from a divine source. Others have the opinion that it is a universal energy. Read More

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